Instructions for Authors for submission and typesetting manuscripts 
for Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen

General information on submission

Authors are requested to submit the manuscripts in electronic format (PDF via e-mail). Our e-mail address is:

All correspondence should be directed to this address.

Formal requirements
The paginated paper should contain the full first and family name of each author, mailing and e-mail addresses of the corresponding author, carefully chosen primary and separate secondary Math. Subject Classifications, as well as keywords and phrases findable in the given MSC codes.  

In the References authors should be cited with complete name if family name and initials are not sufficient for the identification. The authors should attach one copy each of the cited sources which have not appeared yet. Only submissions written in correct English can enter the review process. The manuscript should be composed in \LaTeX, preferably using the style file of the journal.  

Use of CAS (computer aided system) tools

  • Please make it clear that the software you are using is legal. That is, if it is not freeware, you have a license.
  • We accept the use of the CAS programs that are commonly known and accepted by the mathematical community. In case of doubt, authors are advised to request a preliminary opinion from the editorial office.
  • Please send the codes to us (in the manuscript if no more than one page, in a separate file if more than one).
  • A separate explanation file must be attached in each case.
  • Copyright Statement
    Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to transfer the copyright to the publisher; and that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holder.  

    Those versions of the manuscript the author(s) processed and possessed before the galley-proof was sent out to him/her can be uploaded to any repository (e.g. arXiv, ResearchGate, personal homepage). The author(s) can put any part of the manuscript (or the manuscript in whole) in a book - indicating the source (Publ. Math. Debr.).  

    The galley-proof and the version published in PMD cannot be uploaded to any repository. Although, they can be sent to individual researchers.  

    Evaluation of the manuscript
    The Editorial Office acknowledges the receipt of the manuscript, assigns its reference number, to which authors should refer in all correspondence. All manuscripts accepted for a detailed refereeing procedure are sent to a minimum of two anonymous reviewers, and are refereed for correctness and suitability for publication.  

    On case of acceptance, the authors are requested to submit the LaTeX source file of the manuscript, preferably using the style file of the journal PublMathDeb (see below). Based on reviewers' report the revision of the manuscript might be asked. The revised version will be sent to reviewers again.

    Authors receive the proofs for correction and the PDF file of the published paper. Reprints are not provided.  

    Postal address of the Editorial Office is:

    Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen
    Institute of Mathematics
    University of Debrecen
    H-4002 Debrecen, P.O. Box 400

    Instructions for using PublMathDeb document class (required after acception)

    System requirements
    For using the PublMathDeb document class of Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen for typesetting manuscripts Authors need

    • an arbitrary TeX distribution has to be installed on their computers including
      • LaTeX 2e and
      • amsmath package
    • the publmathdeb.cls file in the current or in a standard TeX input directory
    Authors can download the publmathdeb.cls document class
    Authors can use it with the standard commands and environments of
    • the standard LaTeX 2e (download) and
    • the standard amsmath package
    TeX distributions and macro packages can be downloaded from any of the CTAN servers, e.g.
    CTAN: Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
    Other macro packages/files used for typeset articles
    If Authors use any other macro packages than the publmathdeb, or their own macro files they are asked
    • to inform us about the web address(es) from where the files can be downloaded

    • or
    • to enclose the files themselves in the article

    when sending the source file of the manuscript to the Editor.

    Authors can use the documentations of the standard LaTeX 2e, the standard article document class and that of the amsmath package, because the PublMathDeb document class uses the same commands and environments.

    These documentations can be found in the docs directory of the TeX distributions and on any of the CTAN servers, e.g.

    Authors Packages for Publishing with the AMS -- Documentation

    How to typeset articles using PublMathDeb.cls
    You can us the standard commands and environments of LaTeX 2e and of the amsart document class.

    In this part you can find some help for begin the work with the PublMathDeb document class.
    Here you can find information about giving the format of the article.

    1. Document class and other packages
    The PublMathDeb document class can be loaded with the standard \documentclass command, the amsmath package with the standard \usepackage command:

    If Authors use any other macro package(s) they are asked to enclose all of these files in the manuscript or to specify the web address(es) where they can be downloaded from.
    2. Title and Author information
    In this list, data typeset in bold has to be given in the article. The others are optional. Author information
    • Name
      • \author{Andor Kiss}
    • Postal address
    \address{Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics\\
    University of Debrecen\\
    H-4010 Debrecen, P.O.B. 12\\
    • Current address
    \curraddr{Department of Mathematics\\
    Universit\'e de Savoie \\
    73000 Chamb\'ery \\ France}
    • E-mail address (if any) of the corresponding Author:
    • Web address of the Author e.g.
    \urladdr{\textasciitilde akiss}
    if it contains the ~ character
    Second, third, fourth authors' data can be given by the same commands. For example
    \author{Ede Kiss}
    \address{Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics\\
    University of Debrecen\\
    H-4010 Debrecen, P.O.B. 12\\
    \author{Christophe Choullet}
    \address{Department of Mathematics\\
    Universit\'e de Savoie \\
    73000 Chamb\'ery \\ France}
    Title section
    • Title

    • Between square brackets, as the first optional parameter of \title command, Authors can give a short title that will be appeared in the headlines. Between braces the title of the article has to be given. For example:
      \title[On Hamilton spaces of 2-dimensional\dots ]
            {On Hamilton spaces of 2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds}
    • Keywords and expressions

    • Some key words and expressions have to be given for the article, e.g.
    \keywords{manifolds, Hamilton spaces, Riemannian manifolds}
    • AMS Subject Classification Code(s)

    • At least one AMS subject classification is needed for the article, e.g.
      \subjclass{58C35, 58A40, 57R40}
    • Date of submission
    \submitted{February 26, 2003}
    • Dedication
    \dedicatory{This paper is dedicated to Professor M. Nagy}
    • Notation of support
        \thanks{This paper is supported by AHO}
    • Abstract

    • Before giving the abstract the document environment must begin:
      and the abstract follows:
      The aim of this sample article is to describe how to use the \textsf{PublMathDeb} document class for writing papers for Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen.
      Authors are asked to write 4--6 lines as an abstract that will be accessible from our web pages.
    Title part After giving the previous data the

    command writes them out on the paper.

    3. Environment definitions

    • Proofs

    • Three environments for proofs are defined in the document class. They can be used as follows:
      The first part of the claim follows from...
      The square proof closing symbol appears at the end of the proof.
    \begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma 4]
    The first part of the claim follows from...
    The square proof closing symbol appears at the end of the proof.
      The first part of the claim follows from...
      The square proof closing symbol does not appear at the end of the proof.
      \begin{pf*}{Proof of Lemma 4}
      If the proof has an own name.
      The square proof closing symbol does not appear at the end of the proof.
    • Styles for numbering environments

    • You can use 3 types of environment styles for defining numbering environments:
    For statements, e.g. for lemmas, theorems:
    For definitions:
    For remarks, examples, notes, algorithms etc.:
    • Defining new environments

    • Some examples for defining environment with various types and styles:
      • Numbering environments
      If you do not need the section number included in the item number:
      If the item number has to consist the section number followed by the number of the theorem:
      If you need to get the theorems and lemmas to share the same numbering sequence:
      If you want the item numbers to be counted separately:
      • Unnumbered environments
    As the above with just one difference:
    If you put a star (*) after the \newtheorem command, the environment will be unnumbered, e.g.
    \newtheorem*{hth}{Henk's Theorem}

    4. Document body

    In the body of the article the commands and environments can be used in a general way.
    Here is a sample page for showing the text formatting commands and environments.

    The \textsf{publmathdeb.cls} is a modified version of the \textsf{article.cls}, i.e., you can use the same commands and environments defined in the \textsf{article.cls}. If you load the file of the \textsf{amsmath} package you can use the standard commands and environment of the \textsf{amsmath} package.
    \subsection{Theorems, lemmas, and other types of propositions}
    In this subsection the use of the environments of various types of propositions, and the proofs  is presented.

    \begin{thm}[see e.g.\  \cite{Kim}]

    Environments for formatting emphasized parts of the document if and only if they are defined by the appropriate command.


    \TeX\ contains a number of commands for writing mathematical formulae.
    \TeX\ contains a number of commands for writing mathematical formulae.
    The square proof closing symbol appears at the end of the proof.

    \begin{pf*}{Proof of Lemma 4}
    The square proof closing symbol appears at the end of the proof.


    The square proof closing symbol does not appear at the end of the proof.
    \subsection{Definitions, remarks, examples etc.}
    Let $x \in \mathbb{N}$. We denote \dots
    The previous definition...

    5. In-line math formulas

    Please, do not use extra space around in-line math formulas.
    Correct use:

    Let  $x$  be a non-negative number. If  $ f(x) < 0 $  then...
    Let  \( x \)  be a non-negative number. If  \( f(x) < 0 \)  then...

    6. Bibliographic references Commands of bibliographic references

      \by  author
      \paper title of the paper
      \book title of the book
      \handbook the title of the book/article if the authors are unknown
      \jour name of the journal
      \lang the language of the article/book
      \ed editor's name
      \eds editors' names
      \toappearin journal/book title in which the article will appear
      \vol volume number
      \issue issue number
      \publ published by ...
      \yr year
      \pages e.g. 28--35
      \www internet address of the aricle
      \toappear --> (to appear)
      \inprint if the article is in print (if volume and/or pages are unknown)
    --> (in print)
      \finalinfo for some other information, appears at the end of the item.

    Authors can use these commands of PublMathDeb document class for writing bibliographic references as follows: Numbering references

    \begin{thebibliography}{9} % common use of the environment

    \by         J. E. Humphreyes
    \book       Linear algebraic groups
    \publ       Springer-Verlag
    \publaddr   New York, Heidelberg, Berlin
    \yr         1987

    \by         D. S. Kim \and P. Rabau
    \paper      Field extension and isotropic subspaces symplectic Geometry
    \jour       Geom. Dedicata
    \vol        34
    \yr         1990
    \pages      281--293

    \bib{Gelbart et al.}
    \by         S. Gelbart, I. Piatetski-Shapiro \and S. Rallis
    \paper      Chapter 1
    \book       Explicit constructions of automorphic $L$-functions
    \bookinfo   Lect. Notes in Math.
    \vol        1254
    \publ       Springer-Verlag
    \publaddr   New York
    \yr         1987
    \pages      28--35

    \handbook   About WinEdt   % If the authors are unknown
    \publ       DMHN
    \yr         2003


    Other types of references

    \begin{thebibliography}{9} % common use of the environment

    \by         J. E. Humphreyes
    \book       Linear algebraic groups
    \publ       Springer-Verlag
    \publaddr   New York, Heidelberg, Berlin
    \yr         1987

    \by         D. S. Kim \and P. Rabau
    \paper      Field extension and isotropic subspaces symplectic Geometry
    \jour       Geom. Dedicata
    \vol        34
    \yr         1990
    \pages      281--293

    \bib[GelbShapRall]{Gelbart et al.}
    \by         S. Gelbart, I. Piatetski-Shapiro \and S. Rallis
    \paper      Chapter 1
    \book       Explicit constructions of automorphic $L$-functions
    \bookinfo   Lect. Notes in Math.
    \vol        1254
    \publ       Springer-Verlag
    \publaddr   New York
    \yr         1987
    \pages      28--35

    \handbook   About WinEdt   % If the authors are unknown
    \publ       DMHN
    \yr         2003



    The figures from part of articles must be sent together with the file of the manuscript. Features of figures

    • Maximum Width:    11.3 cm
    • Maximum Height:   16.8 cm
    • Character Size:      10 pt
    • Caption:                  Do not insert the caption.
    • File format:             EPS
    • Each figure should be contained in a separate EPS file.


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